Friday, July 31, 2009

To Tea or Not To Tea...Adding "Sweet" is the Question

I grew up in the south where sweet tea was a staple beverage and requesting or ordering sweet tea always delivered expected results without disappointment: deliciously fresh brewed tea to which the perfect amount of sugar had been added while it was still hot so it completely dissolved and was then poured over a tall glass of ice for completion of the perfect southern summertime beverage! If you wanted tea prepared any other way, e.g., unsweetened iced tea, lemon, hot tea, etc., you would have to ask as it would not be automatically offered.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Innocence At Your Fingertips

I was having a conversation with a friend about a reality dating show that featured identical twins and that I was able to tell them apart because one had a facial mole that the other did not. This made me question if they were actually identical twins or rather fraternal twins that just looked almost exactly alike, or maybe they were identical and one had had the mole removed. I then started questioning if my belief that identical twins meant that they were in fact physically identical since they shared the same dna, but how could that be true if no two people have the same fingerprints, and what about identical twins where one suffered trauma at birth resulting in a birth mark. I needed some answers!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Driving While Interacting

There was a person's photo taken by themselves while driving down a highway posted on a social networking site. It got me thinking about Washington state's 'cell phone usage while driving' laws and what the core reasoning was for the ban. I agree with the 'no texting while driving' ban and understand the ban of using a cell phone to your ear. But the intention of the bans are to decrease distraction of drivers and promote safer driving awareness, right?